Immersive Health (for Instructors)
All Categories About the Simulation What are Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Simulations?

What are Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Simulations?

PPE Simulations provide healthcare workers with a convenient way to develop their PPE donning (application) and doffing (removal) skills through practice simulations. Practicing these critical skills and protocols develops confidence in their ability to keep themselves and others safe in the workplace. 

The practice simulation provides flexible on-demand and asynchronous learning modules to support front-line healthcare workers by allowing them to practice donning and doffing virtually. 

The PPE training simulations deliver a safe space for healthcare workers to practice their skills of coaching fellow workers, donning and doffing PPE equipment. Throughout the training simulations the instruction and processes are assessed against key competency metrics. 

The simulation uses AI Virtual Humans as fellow healthcare workers. The Virtual Humans have AI conversational capabilities and can follow instructions delivered by the healthcare workers.

The healthcare worker takes on the role of a coach to a Virtual Human healthcare worker on the safe donning and doffing procedures and protocols. The healthcare worker is training the Virtual Human AI characters who have been trained to act like other healthcare workers they may encounter in their workplace. 

The Virtual Human characters can understand and follow instructions given to them by the healthcare worker. While coaching them through the proper protocols, the healthcare worker will be required to:

  1. Provide clear instructions on the correct sequence and safety tips to follow for PPE application and removal

  2. Be able to spot any errors or mistakes that the Virtual Human might make in the process

Detailed analytics are collected, analyzed and provided to the healthcare worker for self reflection and improvement purposes. This evaluation checks to see if the steps were followed in the correct sequence and identifies error in omissions or incorrect sequencing. 

The healthcare worker may immediately repeat the PPE Practice Simulations to correct and improve both their practice and correct protocol steps. 

This is a convenient way for the healthcare worker to practice and develop confidence in their ability to perform the critical infectious control protocol skills of PPE application and removal, so they are prepared for when they next need it in their work environment. 

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